Accredited Inspectors

The following list are accredited inspectors of CDI-T:

Inspector Name RCMS Phone Number E-mail Address Country
Ahmed, Abuzar Moeen Y +357 94041235 captabuzarmoeenahmed@gmail.comCyprus
Anand, Anurag Y +91 9910099224 anuraganand.cdi@googlemail.comIndia
Bagga, Karan Y +65 8368 5063
Boom, Hugo van der Y +31 (0) 6 27 82 39 94 hvdb.cdit@googlemail.comThe Netherlands
Brown, Julian Y 44 (0)7734 461314/+65 9819 1114 operations@jcpmarine.comMalaysia
Buys, James Charles Y +27 (0) 82 469 5920 james@saerc-sa.comSouth Africa
Chae, Duck Su Y 82 10 9387 0937 jsmarinesvs@gmail.comSouth Korea
Commander, Raymond Y +1 832-622-6913 rlcommand@icloud.comUSA
Correa dos Santos, Alberto Y (55)(13) 3285-6995
Demizu, Tatsuyoshi Y 81 80 4133 0565 demizut@gmail.comJapan
Fernandes, Ken Y +34 629687706 Spain
Holl, Paul Y + 31 6 20 33 10 12 paulholl@hollmaritime.nlThe Netherlands
Kennedy, Robert F. Y 504-382-8657 RFKResources@gmail.comUSA
Khanna, Sanjeev Y +351 218721100 mail@marigon.comPortugal
Kon, Chee Kong Y +65 637 21730
Kumar, Nilesh Y +91 2227746397 / +91 9619847411 nilranu@yahoo.comIndia
Matthew, Ian C. Y +44 7879472615 furana@btinternet.comUK
McDonald, Steve Y +1 832-865-3672 spaceinspections@gmail.comUSA
Mehdi, Intizar Y +974 50293316 intizar56@yahoo.comQatar
Molenaar, Gert Jan Y +31 181 310849 gjm@mosqcon.nlThe Netherlands
Mookherjee, Ranjan Y +91 22 42965000 rjm@zebecmarine.comIndia
Nassif, Said Y 613 790 7260 snassif@cibsmarine.orgCanada
Nayar, Vikas Y +65 8288 2224 vnayar@1globalworld.comSingapore
Panjacharam, Subra Y 65-63721730
Park, Dae Won Y +82 10 9154 9084 bakjua@gmail.comSouth Korea
Patterson, George ('Pat') Y +1-281-642-2947 patlaap@gmail.comUSA
Qu, Shensen Y +86 135 701 33136 inspection@raymarineconsultant.comChina
Raymond, Daniel Y 44 (0) 7764 212 717 daniel@worldwideqa.orgUK
Riglea, Adrian Y +60 10 204 6464 zealand_andrew@yahoo.comMalaysia
Sardana, Arun Y +65 67478400 vmsconltd@gmail.comSingapore
Schulte, Remko Y +31 646740304 remko.schulte@xxact.nlThe Netherlands
Seo, Taewoo Y +82 10 4156 9924 m821041569924@gmail.comSouth Korea
Siddique, Asim Y +54 911 351 617 10 sidd.asim@yahoo.comArgentina
Simon, Osmar Y +55 19 3201 6443
Singh, Dax Y (65) 6726 1039 daxbanto@gmail.comSingapore
Singh, Mahesh Pratap Y +65 9852 6947 agm.bizsolution@gmail.comSingapore
Singh, Mukesh Y +91 9689266064 marine@seaventuresalliance.comIndia
Singh, Pradeep Y +971559831973 capt.pradeepsingh@gmail.comUAE
Tareq, Rashid Y 65 8608 8928 tareqrashid@yahoo.comSingapore
Theruvengadam, Anantha Krishnan Y +60199805646 akaham@gmail.comMalaysia
Van Wyk, Johan Y +27 (0) 82 563 4930 johan@dgaandrss.comSouth Africa
Verma, Sanjeev Y +852 69925457 captksanjeev@gmail.comHong Kong
Yang, Mongryong Y 82 10 5100 7664 captyang1@gmail.comSouth Korea
Yu, Helen Y +86 18521141458 helen.yu@basf.comChina